Indice di popolarità dei maggiori leader mondiali

Il sondaggio di Harris Interactive(R) è stato commissionato da France24 e Herald Tribune.

Il campione rappresentativo considerato è il seguente

These are there results of a new Harris Interactive/France 24/International Herald Tribune survey conducted online among a total of 6,538 adults (aged 16-64) in France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain and the United States and adults (aged 18-64) in Italy between February 25 and March 3, 2009.

Si legge subito il resoconto finale

finds that in the United States and the five largest European countries, President Obama is far more popular than any other elected leader or head of government. No other political or governmental leader from any art of the world enjoys anything like the same popularity.


Andando più nel dettaglio dell’analisi si scoprono i seguenti dati

Across the six countries, fully 80% of adults on average have good opinions of President Obama. Like some other leaders, he does less well in his own country than abroad. In the United States, 68% have a good opinion of him. He is even more popular in Europe (86% in France and Italy, 85% in Germany, 84% in Spain and 72% in Britain.)

Ed ora veniamo alla sezione del sondaggio che riguarda il nostro Primo Ministro

Merkel is the most popular European leader and Berlusconi is the least popular.

On average 51% in the six countreis have a good opinion of Chanceller Angela Merkel and only 17% have a good opinion of Primi Minister Silvio Berlusconi

Possiamo ancora leggere

However, Prime Minister Berlusconi is much more popular at home (38% than across six countries 17%). This is also true for Prime Minister Zapatero (48% vs. 35, and Chancellor Merkel (59% vs. 51).

SOURCE: Harris Interactive Inc. Copyright Business Wire 2009

Per concludere un passaggio dal Sondaggio di Harris Interactive che riguarda il Papa Benedetto XVI

Pope Benedict being the biggest exception. The proportions of the public with good opinions of the 19 leaders are generally similar to what they were in the two previous surveys in November and January, however, those with a good opinion of Pope Benedict XVI are an exception. The average of those with a good opinion of him has fallen from 48% and 49% in the two previous surveys to 39%