José Viñals (IMF) sulla crisi attuale

José Viñals, Counsellor and Director of Monetary and Capital Markets Departments (MCM), parla degli effetti dell’attuale crisisul mercato globale. Delinea alcune possibili risoluzioni al problema, in particolare mettendo in evidenza l’intervento efficiente di “authorities” che rendano le transazioni trasparenti e chiare


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Global Financial Stability Report

Responding to the Financial Crisis
and Measuring Systemic Risks
April 2009

I contenuti

Chapter I. Stabilizing the Global Financial System and Mitigating Spillover Risks

Chapter II. Assessing the Systemic Implications of Financial Linkages

Chapter III. Detecting Systemic Risk

Statistical Appendix

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Per la relazione Europea di Maggio 2009, potete consultare il tutto a questo indirizzo con il relativo documento .pdf QUI

Europe is in a deep recession. Adverse feedback between the financial and real sectors and across borders is likely to delay the recovery and create downside risks. Unprecedented policies have been undertaken to address the crisis-but are they likely to be successful and sufficiently coordinated for a tightly integrated region? To restore trust and confidence in financial markets, additional and forceful action will be essential. Maintaining fiscal support should help soften the downturn, in particular if sustainability is supported by solid medium-term strategies and fiscal frameworks. To be effective, these policies require coordination across advanced and emerging economies. The report’s analytical work underpins the link between fiscal sustainability, coordination, and effectiveness, and stresses that emerging markets have been affected differently by the crisis, with the quality of policies and external vulnerabilities being key factors.

I contenuti della relazione Europea

1. Outlook: Galvanizing Recovery
Synchronized Recession
Impromptu Policy Reaction
Uncertain Outlook
Calling for a Well-Articulated and Effectively Coordinated Policy Response
2. Fiscal Policy in Advanced Countries: Effectiveness, Coordination, and Solvency Issues
Fiscal Costs of the Crisis
Making the Most Out of Fiscal Interventions
Treasuring Fiscal Solvency
Ensuring Fiscal Sustainability: Policy Options
Conclusions and Policy Implications
3. European Emerging Economies in the Crisis: Impact and Recovery
Who Got Hurt More? Stylized Facts
What Explains the Widened Spreads: Known Vulnerabilities or the Convergence Criteria Checklist?
Banking Sector Holds a Key to the Recovery from the Crisis
Policy Implications


Alcuni dati interessanti estratti dalla sezione statistica globale:



Questa tabella mostra alcuni indicatori macroeconomici tra i paesi del G8 ed Europa. Fate attenzione, MOLTA attenzione, ai dati italiani e confrontateli con quelli degli altri appartenenti al G8, Spagna compresa.

E qui lo stato delle Finanze

Fonte: The State of Public Finances

Potete inoltre consultare la sezione apposita dedicata alla Crisi Finanziaria QUI

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